Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I will hide you in my walls

So I accidentally stumbled upon* quite a gem.
I can honestly say that I have no recollection at all of how I found this website, although I have some brief fleeting images of the incident.
I know I was looking at some type of pictures, and in the bottom corner (I might have made that part up) Dripbook was cited as their source. I was like... pfff wtf is Dripbook?! Like Facebook but for.... Yeah I had no idea, but with one cool/inspiring/nicely shot image after the other citing it as their source, I thought I should explore it.
And here we are.

Dripbook calls itself a promotional tool for creative visual artists. Basically, it's an easy, organized, fast way to create an online portfolio. Even better yet, you can export these visual portfolios to other places  like Facebook, your iPhone, wherever. There are other features such as the ability to export a custom website with your portfolio, instant-updates, an organization that makes it easy to find what you're looking for, and the ability to contact any creative ingenue without even having a Dripbook account.

What's the catch? It costs money (insert collective groan.)
But... Not a lot of money, anywhere between $10-39 per month depending on membership... And there's a 30 day free trial.

Lucky for you and me, it is entirely free to explore, so if you go to and something tickles your fancy, you can click, and TaDa! there you have their clean, organized, easy to view, portfolio and deets! Amazing. So good. You can also browse by genre, books versus creatives, or tags.

Photo Source: All photos from

 So fab.
Who's ready for Fashion Week?!

*Not to be confused with literally 'stumbling upon,' aka using StumbleUpon's browser toolbar, which is also a PHENOMENAL way to find new cool things.

1 comment:

  1. Whoaaaa, thanks for the post. We're BLUSHING.

    -Alex from Dripbook.
